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Fast + Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction using BERT. Code and Pre-trained models for paper "Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction": www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-...
PIE: Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction
Fast Grammatical Error Correction using BERT
Code and Pre-trained models accompanying our paper "Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction" (EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019)
PIE is a BERT based architecture for local sequence transduction tasks like Grammatical Error Correction. Unlike the standard approach of modeling GEC as a task of translation from "incorrect" to "correct" language, we pose GEC as local sequence editing task. We further reduce local sequence editing problem to a sequence labeling setup where we utilize BERT to non-autoregressively label input tokens with edits. We rewire the BERT architecture (without retraining) specifically for the task of sequence editing. We find that PIE models for GEC are 5 to 15 times faster than existing state of the art architectures and still maintain a competitive accuracy. For more details please check out our EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 paper
title = "Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction",
author = "Awasthi, Abhijeet and
Sarawagi, Sunita and
Goyal, Rasna and
Ghosh, Sabyasachi and
Piratla, Vihari",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)",
month = nov,
year = "2019",
address = "Hong Kong, China",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1435",
doi = "10.18653/v1/D19-1435",
pages = "4259--4269",
- All the public GEC datasets used in the paper can be obtained from here
- Synthetically created datasets (perturbed version of 1 billion word corpus) divided into 5 parts to independently train 5 different ensembles. (all the ensembles are further finetuned using the public GEC datasets mentioned above.)
Pretrained Models
PIE as reported in the paper
- trained on a Synethically created GEC dataset starting with BERT's initialization
- finetuned further on Lang8, NUCLE and FCE datasets
Inference using the pretrained PIE ckpt
- Copy the pretrained checkpoint files provided above to PIE_ckpt directory
- Your PIE_ckpt directory should contain
- bert_config.json
- multi_round_infer.sh
- pie_infer.sh
- pie_model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
- pie_model.ckpt.index
- pie_model.ckpt.meta
- vocab.txt
- Run:
$ ./multi_round_infer.sh
from PIE_ckpt directory - NOTE: If you are using cloud-TPUs for inference, move the PIE_ckpt directory to the cloud bucket and change the paths in pie_infer.sh and multi_round_infer.sh accordingly
Code Description
An example usage of code in described in the directory "example_scripts".
- preprocess.sh
- Extracts common insertions from a sample training data in the "scratch" directory
- converts the training data in the form of incorrect tokens and aligned edits
- pie_train.sh
- trains a pie model using the converted training data
- multi_round_infer.sh
- uses a trained PIE model to obtain edits for incorrect sentences
- does 4 rounds of iterative editing
- uses conll-14 test sentences
- m2_eval.sh
- evaluates the final output using m2scorer
- end_to_end.sh
- describes the use of pre-processing, training, inference and evaluation scripts end to end.
- More information in README.md inside "example_scripts"
Pre processing and Edits related
- seq2edits_utils.py
- contains implementation of edit-distance algorithm.
- cost for substitution modified as per section A.1 in the paper.
- Adapted from belambert's implimentation
- get_edit_vocab.py : Extracts common insertions (\Sigma_a set as described in paper) from a parallel corpus
- get_seq2edits.py : Extracts edits aligned to input tokens
- tokenize_input.py : tokenize a file containing sentences. token_ids obtained go as input to the model.
- opcodes.py : A class where members are all possible edit operations
- transform_suffixes.py: Contains logic for suffix transformations
- tokenization.py : Similar to BERT's implementation, with some GEC specific changes
PIE model (uses implementation of BERT of bert in Tensorflow)
- word_edit_model.py: Implementation of PIE for learning from a parallel corpous of incorrect tokens and aligned edits.
- logit factorization logic (Keep flag use_bert_more=True to enable logit factorization)
- parallel sequence labeling
- modeling.py : Same as in BERT's implementation
- modified_modeling.py
- Rewires attention mask to obtain representations of candidate appends and replacements
- Used for logit factorization.
- optimization.py : Same as in BERT's implementation
Post processing
- apply_opcode.py
- Applies inferred edits from the PIE model to the incorrect sentences.
- Handles punctuations and spacings as per requirements of a standard dataset (INFER_MODE).
- Contains some obvious rules for captialization etc.
Creating synthetic GEC dataset
- errorify directory contains the scripts we used for perturbing the one-billion-word corpus
This research was partly sponsored by a Google India AI/ML Research Award and Google PhD Fellowship in Machine Learning. We gratefully acknowledge Google's TFRC program for providing us Cloud-TPUs. Thanks to Varun Patil for helping us improve the speed of pre-processing and synthetic-data generation pipelines.