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Awaitility is a small Java DSL for synchronizing asynchronous operations

Results 86 awaitility issues
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Created in the first draft a class to collect all these possible building blocks, and placed in the core awaitility module. In java the usage will be .until(andThen(func1, func2))

- ConditionAwaiter is now created via factory - Factory can be replaced with system-property "awaitility-condition-awaiter-factory". These changes allow the ConditionAwaiter to be easily replaced. This makes it possible for the...

A stable module name is useful even for test dependencies. Sometimes referencing a module name when running tests is necessary, like with command-line arguments. In other cases, another testing library...

``` var counter = 1 fun main() { await.during(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).untilResultAsserted { assertThat( "some message", counter++, greaterThan(2) ) } } ``` Expected result: Code should be executed only once, since asseriton...

Hi! Most Scala libraries usually distribute their artifacts for multiple Scala versions, by appending Scala version to their artifactIds, e.g. `awaitility-scala_2.12`. It'd be really nice if `awaitility-scala` is distributed for...

``` I'm getting the following message: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: com.test.AwaitilityTest.recievedMessageCount Callable expected a value greater than or equal to but was within 1 seconds. at com.jayway.awaitility.core.ConditionAwaiter.await( at com.jayway.awaitility.core.AbstractHamcrestCondition.await( at com.jayway.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory.until( at com.jayway.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory.until(


I was under an impression that 'dontCatchUncaughtExceptions' should throw the actual exceptions when occurred. However, it skips throwing the exception over the main thread, and continues to wait for 30...

In JDK8 you can use `CompletionStage` to work on other non-blocking threads - like in Play! Framework. It will be very good to implement this functionality to help with unit...

It would be nice to state in Wiki that it is available in Android 26 or higher. because the "ChronoUnit" used by Awaitility is available from Android 26 or higher....

The ConditionEvaluationLister is called whenever a Condition has been evaluated. However, for certain use cases this is not enough. It would be fine to have these additional hooks: * before...
