Alex Wadell
Alex Wadell
TUI should catch and display errors when benchmarking but not quit ```julia julia> [q]uit. [←] to Deselect. [→] to Select. [␣] to Fold. [↵] confirm selection. Mode: [b]enchmark j[u]dge...
Currently compares the latest to oldest - Want to be able to pick the baseline results to compare against - Comparing to latest is prob okay - Users can always...
Use Preferences.jl to control default flags (ie. verbose toggle) and UI (ie, ▶ or → for the cursor) Plus some more config: - Move away from the ConfiguredMenu and towards...
Unable to select / deselect a block when folded - Should be unable to fold if inconsistent (Also not working but maybe ok) - Should still be able to select/deselect...
Add support for benchmarking/running a particular benchmark: ```julia # Runs the ["bench_foo.jl", "foo"] benchmark JogAwesome.benchmark(["bench_foo.jl", "foo"]) ``` Key features: - Want to still support the `save` and `ref` flags -...
If `benchmark/Project.toml` exists prompt the user to add it to their load path and check that it's instantiated QOL improvement when running `Jogger.benchmark()` for the first time in a session
Moving to `GIT_ROOT/.pkgjogger` has several advantages ## Pros - Easier to add to a global`.gitignore` (It's `.pkgjogger/`) where `trial/` might be too broad - Less external folder names than `PKG_DIR/benchmarks/trail`...