Alex Wadell
Alex Wadell
Using `pyisinstance` on a `PyNull()` triggers a segmentation fault: ```julia julia> using PyCall julia> pyisinstance(PyNULL(), py"int") signal (11): Segmentation fault in expression starting at REPL[2]:1 object_recursive_isinstance at /tmp/awadell/spack-stage/spack-stage-python-3.9.6-4jz3ek3negzeypx4tvhuqvc42xmbpcjx/spack-src/Objects/abstract.c:2488 [inlined] PyObject_IsInstance...
Per the doc string: ` negbin(X::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, [link::Link]; )` is valid however: ```julia julia> using GLM julia> m = negbin(ones(100,1), Int.(rand(UInt32, 100))) ERROR: type GeneralizedLinearModel has no field model Stacktrace:...
When I run the example code from the docs I get the following ```julia julia> @benchmarkset "suite" for k in 1:5 @case "case $k" rand($k, $k) end 1-element BenchmarkTools.BenchmarkGroup: tags:...
Per the doc strings for `lrtest`: ```julia julia> using DataFrames, GLM julia> dat = DataFrame(Result=[1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], Treatment=[1, 1, 1, 2,...
Hello! I'm using the julia-vscode lanaguage server in neovim (packaged by Mason here: Lately, the language server has been crashing due to `get_offsets` (Full error message bellow); any ideas...
Which admittedly is not shocking, but with ~10 minutes startup time, I'd really like to avoid having to start a new session ``` Problem at: (unknown file) 0 (unknown function)...
Could benchmarkpkg have an option to *not* tune the parameters before test? I tend to set them manuelly when I'm creating the benchmark ie.: ```julia @benchmarkable foo(1) evals=300 ``` Any...
[PkgBenchmarks.jl]( uses a single `benchmark/benchmarks.jl` file defining `SUITE::BenchmarkGroup` This is similar to the example in But BenchmarkTools uses `suite` not `SUITE` [StaticArrays.jl]( uses PkgBenchmark's format but includes all `benchmark/bench_*.jl`...
After triggering a revise the selected benchmarks are cleared: ```julia [q]uit. [←] to Deselect. [→] to Select. [␣] to Fold. [↵] confirm selection. Mode: [b]enchmark j[u]dge Actions: [r]evise. change re[f]erence....