AvS_ScopeHint2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AvS_ScopeHint2 copied to clipboard

Magento 2 module for displaying additional information in configuration

Results 11 AvS_ScopeHint2 issues
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Hi, Here's a feature I really wanted from this module. I adapted the \AvS\ScopeHint\Plugin\ProductEavDataProviderPlugin for the category edit form. I tried to stay close to the module coding style. Check...

Thanks a lot for this nice tool! One nice addition would be to show the same hint for categories as well (on the category edit page).

Currently, only the value is displayed, not the label.


I've set the default to be off, but can trivially set this on by default by creating a `etc/config.xml` file with this set on if you would prefer.

Improvement of comment translations in the store settings.

As posted on Magento Slack: > Just found out that in the admin products overview when set to 'All Store Views', you can't see if a value is overruled for...

The method `\AvS\ScopeHint\Plugin\ConfigFieldPlugin::afterGetComment()` adds the configuration code to each comment. Problem then is that the strings aren't translated anymore. For example when I have a the comment `Enables or disables...