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Haro is a modern immutable DataStore


build status

Haro is a modern immutable DataStore built with ES6 features. It is un-opinionated, and offers a plug'n'play solution to modeling, searching, & managing data on the client, or server (in RAM). It is a partially persistent data structure, by maintaining version sets of records in versions (MVCC).

All methods are synchronous.

Haro indexes have the following structure Map (field/property) > Map (value) > Set (PKs) which allow for quick & easy searching, as well as inspection. Indexes can be managed independently of del() & set() operations, for example you can lazily create new indexes via reindex(field), or sortBy(field).


Named export is haro:

ES Module

import {haro} from 'haro';

CommonJS / node.js

const {haro} = require('haro');

Function parameters

Haro takes two optional arguments, the first is an Array of records to set asynchronously, & the second is a configuration descriptor.

const storeDefaults = haro();
const storeRecords = haro([{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]);
const storeCustom = haro(null, {key: 'id'});


Indexes & Searching

const store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
    data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

const records = store.batch(data, 'set');

console.log(records[0]); // [$uuid, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]
console.log(store.size); // 2
console.log(store.find({age: 28})); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
console.log(store.search(/^ja/i, 'name')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
console.log(store.search(arg => age < 30, 'age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]

MVCC versioning

const store = haro();
let arg;

arg = store.set(null, {abc: true});
arg = store.set(arg[0], {abc: false});
arg = store.set(arg[0], {abc: true});
store.versions.get(arg[0]).forEach(i => console.log(i[0])); // {abc: true}, {abc: false}


A benchmark is included in the repository, and is useful for gauging how haro will perform on different hardware, & software.

Batch successful on test
time to batch insert data: 26.774208 ms
datastore record count: 1000
name indexes: 1000

testing time to 'find()' a record (first one is cold):

testing time to 'search(regex, index)' for a record (first one is cold):

time to override data: 0.450125 ms
testing time to 'search(regex, index)' on overridden data for a record (first one is cold):


beforeBatch Function

Event listener for before a batch operation, receives type, data.

beforeClear Function

Event listener for before clearing the data store.

beforeDelete Function

Event listener for before a record is deleted, receives key, batch.

beforeSet Function

Event listener for before a record is set, receives key, data.

index Array

Array of values to index. Composite indexes are supported, by using the default delimiter (this.delimiter). Non-matches within composites result in blank values.

Example of fields/properties to index:

const store = haro(null, {index: ['field1', 'field2', 'field1|field2|field3']});

key String

Optional Object key to utilize as Map key, defaults to a version 4 UUID if not specified, or found.

Example of specifying the primary key:

const store = haro(null, {key: 'field'});

logging Boolean

Logs persistent storage messages to console, default is true.

onbatch Function

Event listener for a batch operation, receives two arguments ['type', Array].

onclear Function

Event listener for clearing the data store.

ondelete Function

Event listener for when a record is deleted, receives the record key.

onoverride Function

Event listener for when the data store changes entire data set, receives a String naming what changed (indexes or records).

onset Function

Event listener for when a record is set, receives an Array.

versioning Boolean

Enable/disable MVCC style versioning of records, default is false. Versions are stored in Sets for easy iteration.

Example of enabling versioning:

const store = haro(null, {versioning: true});


data Map

Map of records, updated by del() & set().

indexes Map

Map of indexes, which are Sets containing Map keys.

registry Array

Array representing the order of this.data.

size Number

Number of records in the DataStore.

versions Map

Map of Sets of records, updated by set().


batch(array, type) Array

The first argument must be an Array, and the second argument must be del or set.

const haro = require('haro'),
    store = haro(null, {key: 'id', index: ['name']}),
    nth = 100,
    data = [];

let i = -1;

while (++i < nth) {
  data.push({id: i, name: 'John Doe' + i});

// records is an Array of Arrays
const records = store.batch(data, 'set');

clear() self

Removes all key/value pairs from the DataStore.

Example of clearing a DataStore:

const store = haro();

// Data is added


del(key) Undefined

Deletes the record.

Example of deleting a record:

const store = haro(),
  rec = store.set(null, {abc: true});

console.log(store.size); // 0

dump(type="records") Array or Object

Returns the records or indexes of the DataStore as mutable Array or Object, for the intention of reuse/persistent storage without relying on an adapter which would break up the data set.

const store = haro();

// Data is loaded

const records = store.dump();
const indexes = store.dump('indexes');

// Save records & indexes

entries() MapIterator

Returns returns a new Iterator object that contains an array of [key, value] for each element in the Map object in insertion order.

Example of deleting a record:

const store = haro();
let item, iterator;

// Data is added

iterator = store.entries();
item = iterator.next();

do {
  item = iterator.next();
} while (!item.done);

filter(callbackFn[, raw=false]) Array

Returns an Array of double Arrays with the shape [key, value] for records which returned true to callbackFn(value, key).

Example of filtering a DataStore:

const store = haro();

// Data is added

store.filter(function (value) {
  return value.something === true;

find(where[, raw=false]) Array

Returns an Array of double Arrays with found by indexed values matching the where.

Example of finding a record(s) with an identity match:

const store = haro(null, {index: ['field1']});

// Data is added

store.find({field1: 'some value'});

forEach(callbackFn[, thisArg]) Undefined

Calls callbackFn once for each key-value pair present in the Map object, in insertion order. If a thisArg parameter is provided to forEach, it will be used as the this value for each callback.

Example of deleting a record:

const store = haro();

store.set(null, {abc: true});
store.forEach(function (value, key) {

get(key[, raw=false]) Array

Gets the record as a double Array with the shape [key, value].

Example of getting a record with a known primary key value:

const store = haro();

// Data is added


has(key) Boolean

Returns a Boolean indicating if the data store contains key.

Example of checking for a record with a known primary key value:

const store = haro();

// Data is added

store.has('keyValue'); // true or false

keys() MapIterator

Returns a new Iterator object that contains the keys for each element in the Map object in insertion order.`

Example of getting an iterator, and logging the results:

const store = haro();
let item, iterator;

// Data is added

iterator = store.keys();
item = iterator.next();

do {
  item = iterator.next();
} while (!item.done);

limit(offset=0, max=0, raw=false) Array

Returns an Array of double Arrays with the shape [key, value] for the corresponding range of records.

Example of paginating a data set:

const store = haro();

let ds1, ds2;

// Data is added

console.log(store.size);  // >10
ds1 = store.limit(0, 10);  // [0-9]
ds2 = store.limit(10, 10); // [10-19]

console.log(ds1.length === ds2.length); // true
console.log(JSON.stringify(ds1[0][1]) === JSON.stringify(ds2[0][1])); // false

map(callbackFn, raw=false) Array

Returns an Array of the returns of callbackFn(value, key). If raw is true an Array is returned.

Example of mapping a DataStore:

const store = haro();

// Data is added

store.map(function (value) {
  return value.property;

override(data[, type="records", fn]) Boolean

This is meant to be used in a paired override of the indexes & records, such that you can avoid the Promise based code path of a batch() insert or load(). Accepts an optional third parameter to perform the transformation to simplify cross domain issues.

Example of overriding a DataStore:

const store = haro();

store.override({'field': {'value': ['pk']}}, "indexes");

reduce(accumulator, value[, key, ctx=this, raw=false]) Array

Runs an Array.reduce() inspired function against the data store (Map).

Example of filtering a DataStore:

const store = haro();

// Data is added

store.reduce(function (accumulator, value, key) {
  accumulator[key] = value;

  return accumulator;
}, {});

reindex([index]) Haro

Re-indexes the DataStore, to be called if changing the value of index.

Example of mapping a DataStore:

const store = haro();

// Data is added

// Creating a late index

// Recreating indexes, this should only happen if the store is out of sync caused by developer code.

search(arg[, index=this.index, raw=false]) Array

Returns an Array of double Arrays with the shape [key, value] of records found matching arg. If arg is a Function (parameters are value & index) a match is made if the result is true, if arg is a RegExp the field value must .test() as true, else the value must be an identity match. The index parameter can be a String or Array of Strings; if not supplied it defaults to this.index.

Indexed Arrays which are tested with a RegExp will be treated as a comma delimited String, e.g. ['hockey', 'football'] becomes 'hockey, football' for the RegExp.

Example of searching with a predicate function:

const store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set')
console.log(store.search(function (age) {
  return age < 30;
}, 'age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]

set(key, data, batch=false, override=false) Object

Record in the DataStore. If key is false a version 4 UUID will be generated.

If override is true, the existing record will be replaced instead of amended.

Example of creating a record:

const store = haro(null, {key: 'id'}),
  record = store.set(null, {id: 1, name: 'John Doe'});

console.log(record); // [1, {id: 1, name: 'Jane Doe'}]

sort(callbackFn, [frozen = true]) Array

Returns an Array of the DataStore, sorted by callbackFn.

Example of sorting like an Array:

const store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set')
console.log(store.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0))); // [{name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]

sortBy(index[, raw=false]) Array

Returns an Array of double Arrays with the shape [key, value] of records sorted by an index.

Example of sorting by an index:

const store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set')
console.log(store.sortBy('age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}], [$uuid, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]]

toArray([frozen=true]) Array

Returns an Array of the DataStore.

Example of casting to an Array:

const store = haro(),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set')
console.log(store.toArray()); // [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]

values() MapIterator

Returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element in the Map object in insertion order.

Example of iterating the values:

const store = haro(),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set')

const iterator = store.values();
let item = iterator.next();

while (!item.done) {
  item = iterator.next();

where(predicate[, raw=false, op="||"]) Array

Ideal for when dealing with a composite index which contains an Array of values, which would make matching on a single value impossible when using find().

const store = haro(null, {key: 'guid', index: ['name', 'name|age', 'age']}),
   data = [{guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {guid: 'def', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set');
console.log(store.where({name: 'John Doe', age: 30})); // [{guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]


Copyright (c) 2021 Jason Mulligan Licensed under the BSD-3 license