savefile copied to clipboard
Stack-overflow for recursive data-structures
Savefile does not presently support recursive data-structures.
To be precise, the problem is with the schema-function. The schema-function tries to provide a simple tree which describes the data format. However, this fails if the data is recursive in nature.
Consider this data structure:
struct TreeNode(u32, Vec<TreeNode>);
The schema for TreeNode is basically a tuple of (u32,[TreeNode]). But savefile will try to evaluate the schema down to primitives, and will thus evaluate the schema of TreeNode again, yielding (u32,[(u32,[TreeNode])]), then (u32,[(u32,[(u32,[TreeNode])])]) etc in infinity.
Savefile is previously documented as not supporting cyclic data structures. But as now discovered, any recursive data structure, even without actual cycles, causes problems.
I can see 3 possible ways forward:
1: Just document that recursive data structures are not supported. Possibly add some sort of recursion-limit to detect the problem.
2: Add support for recursive data structures.
3: Possibly add full support for serializing/deserializing arbitrary graphs, including graphs with cycles