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deb-builds copied to clipboard

picom, alacritty, i3-gaps, sway, chromium and wlc debian packages. Available as a repository on


Sway, i3-gaps, chromium, obs and wlc-dev repository and ready-to-install debian binaries.

Ready binaries to download are available in the Releases page. Just run dpkg -i <package-name.deb> to install a package.

My debian packages builds. Some of them are simply vanilla builds of (currently) unavailable software in the official repositories, while others are source packages built with custom/modified rules to fix or restore a functionality.

Check the package folder to find the exact details and the scripts/rules files used to produce the builds.

All of them are tested and currently used on my Sid systems.


If you don't want to keep downloading binaries and manually install them, you can use my unofficial debian repository:

Add this line in your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb [arch=amd64] unstable main

Add the repository as trusted:

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 9E78AF2A6AF2F3C7

Finally run apt update.



Vanilla build from the git repository. Release (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release).

Chromium - Hangouts

(Debian) Chromium source package built with the enable_hangout_services_extension flag enabled. This allows the Google Hangouts screensharing feature to work correctly.


Vanilla build from the git repository.


Vanilla build from the git repository.


Development wlc libraries. Vanilla build from the git repository.

Further References

Prefer versions from this repository instead of the already available ones

This is useful if the package you want is already in your repositories but you want the version (and updates) here, built differently.

To make apt track specific packages from this repository, and not the others where they're available, pin them in the /etc/apt/preferences file:

Add this to the /etc/apt/preferences file:

Package: *
Pin: origin ""
Pin-Priority: 1000

This will cause to always track packages from this repository, if they are available here. Replace * to chromium to track only the chromium package.