breeze2-sddm-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
breeze2-sddm-theme copied to clipboard

Default Plasma Breeze SDDM Theme with customizable font


This is a slightly edited version of the default Breeze SDDM theme shipped with KDE Plasma allowing the font to be customized.


Example using the San Francisco Display font


git clone
sudo mv breeze2-sddm-theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/

Set the new theme in /etc/sddm.conf or in KDE Settings > Workspace Theme > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen.

Change the font in theme.conf.user, editing the displayFont value.

Beware that SDDM is started by root, so you need to have the selected font available/installed by the root X session. SDDM will also use root X session font rendering configuration.

You can preview the login screen with:

sudo sddm-greeter --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze2-sddm-theme


There's not apparently a decent way to change the font in the default login screen theme in Plasma, a part from changing fallback/system fonts, hence this fork.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

DPI Scaling / HiDPI

If you're here to make the SDDM look decent with higher DPI settings, you may want to edit /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup and add the line (Source):

xrandr --dpi <desired dpi, for instance 192>

Or check the DPI sections of the SDDM page on the ArchWiki.