jekyll-datapage_gen copied to clipboard
pages rendered, but not written to the _site
I've been using datapage gen for a long time now, and it's always been working easily. I've created some pages based on a YAML array. They are rendered by jekyll, but in the end they are not written to the website. I could not find any reason. Using jekyll 4.0.0
Hi, I have tried and have difficulties reproducing your error. I am using the .rb file in the _plugins directory and everything seems to be working fine with Jekyll 4.0.0 (page generated in _site). Can you provide more details or sample code to try and reproduce the issue? thanks in advance! -a
Sorry, I spoke too soon. I can reproduce the error. I will look into it.
Tried again: it seems to be working now. If you still have the issue, if you let me have an example, I can try and have a look.
Thank you for your help, the site we're working on is this there are other datapages that are rendered correctly (and thank you a lot for saving us so much time and complexity!)
if I add
- index_files: false data: cfg.issuecategories template: issuelist_category name: displayname dir: /categorie/
then with bundle exec jekyll serve --verbose I can see in the output: Rendering: categorie/raccolte-fondi.html Pre-Render Hooks: categorie/raccolte-fondi.html Rendering Markup: categorie/raccolte-fondi.html Rendering Layout: categorie/raccolte-fondi.html Layout source: site
But in the final “writing” page they don’t get written to the output I’m using jekyll 4.0.0 with ruby 2.5.0
Hi, I had a look at the repo... it seems like it uses various plugins; I tried but I couldn't isolate the datapage generation issue. Can you provide a stripped-down example demonstrating the issue?
I have a similar issue in this repo:
Locally, the pages get written as expected but in GitHub Pages they are not.
I have exactly the same issue. I found a kind of annoying workaround though.
Create a workflow that compiles it all in github actions and then deploys to a different branch in the repo
point github pages at the compiled branch.
Here is the workflow file:
name: Build and Deploy GIT Update
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout 🛎️
uses: actions/checkout@v2 # If you're using actions/checkout@v2 you must set persist-credentials to false in most cases for the deployment to work correctly.
persist-credentials: false
- name: Install and Build 🔧 # This example project is built using npm and outputs the result to the 'build' folder. Replace with the commands required to build your project, or remove this step entirely if your site is pre-built.
run: |
export PATH="$(ruby -r rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH"
gem install --user-install jekyll bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll build --trace -V
- name: Install SSH Client 🔑
uses: webfactory/[email protected]
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }}
- name: Deploy 🚀
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
SSH: true
BRANCH: gh-pages # The branch the action should deploy to.
FOLDER: _site # The folder the action should deploy.
If I get it right, the issue is related to execution of datapage-generator on Github.
Github, however, allows the execution of a limited set of plugins on their websites, namely, those they trust and rightly so, since a plugin could do pretty nasty stuff. The list of allowed plugins is:
If this is the case, there is not much I can do on the matter.
Did I get it right?
Hi, thanks for your information. I spent some time to find out the plugin does not work with Github Pages. If there is that information somewhere on README together with this comment, it will help😄
Hi, thanks for pointing out. I'll add it to the documentation!
Btw, you can still publish on Github pages even if plugins are not supported, as suggested here:
GitHub Pages cannot build sites using unsupported plugins. If you want to use unsupported plugins, generate your site locally and then push your site's static files to GitHub.
Thanks for your reply. I'll check that!