SpaceDawn icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SpaceDawn copied to clipboard

Space Dawn is a demo app built to demonstrate the use of Mutli-Module Clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose by following Material-3 guidelines along with other MAD libraries such as Dagger-Hilt...

Space Dawn

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Space Dawn is a demo app built to demonstrate the use of Mutli-Module Clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose by following Material-3 guidelines along with other MAD libraries. The app lets a user Save reminders/alarms for the upcoming Rocket Launches From around the world.

You can download the app from Playstore or download the apk from 🚀

Playstore Space Dawn

🛠 Built With

Architecture Multi-Module Clean MVVM Architecture
UI Framework Jetpack Compose
💉 DI Dagger-Hilt
🌐 Networking Retrofit + Moshi
:floppy_disk: Local Database Room Database
:compass: Navigation Compose Destinations Navigation
:building_construction: Persistent Background Work WorkManager + AlarmManager
:thread: Asynchronous Work Coroutines
🖼️ Image Loading Coil

:movie_camera: Working Demo

The reminder in the demo fires right away and this is purposeful as to demonstrante the functionality.

:iphone: Screenshots (Dark and Light Theme)

Upcoming Launches Screen Reminders Screen Notification Sample
Upcoming Launches Screen Reminders Screen Notification Sample

🏗️ Architecture Diagram

✔️ Tests

Tests are continuosly being written. Check the test and androidTest source sets for already available test cases.

🚀 The app uses Launch Library 2 API for getting upcoming Rocket Launches.


Copyright 2023 Raghav Aggarwal

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.