Avi Aryan
Avi Aryan
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work on a three month programming project with an open...
https://gomix.com/ A project in early stages that aims to make deploying your custom apps on the internet super easy. Do check it out. As for now, it seems it allows...
Try http://hfchecker.stefanopy.xyz/
> Submit four pull requests to win a free T-shirt. Browse issues labeled "Hacktoberfest" on GitHub for other projects. https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ Submit 4 pull requests on GitHub in the month of...
Try https://codecuriosity.org. The more you open source, the more you earn. I can confirm that it works. 😀
See all upcoming coding contests from all popular platforms (codechef, hackerrank, hackerearth, topcoder, codeforces) at http://codingcalendar.com/upcoming
JetBrains (creators of PyCharm, IDEA, Android Studio, Webstorm, Phpstorm, CLion etc) are giving out a student pack which allows you to use their products without limits for 1 year. The...
Zeal is an offline desktop-based documentation viewer supporting many popular languages and frameworks. The docs are fully searchable by topic. http://zealdocs.org DevDocs.io is a browser-based documentation engine with **full** offline...
Learn X in Y minutes ( http://learnxinyminutes.com/ ) uses a unique idea of using code to teach a programming language. The comments in the code provide supporting information on what...