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🚀 Awesome (free) web apps that work without login

Results 56 awesome-no-login-web-apps issues
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Couldn't use without being prompted for a login. Should be removed from this list

**** **This is about geographical maps, it is easy to use and to understand, it is free software (GNU GPLv3), and has no concurrent in your list.** # By submitting...

**** **Its a free gaming platform with several minigames like Yatzy, Crazy Eights, Categories and GeoGuess. Work on all devices and can be played with friends.** # By submitting this...

**[Bucket Listy]( Bucket list manager with unique ideas where you can add your own.** # By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements....

**** **This is a free and open source site that helps math students and teachers communicate more effectively. Students can easily record their full solutions to math problems digitally and...

**** **Themer is a login-less progressive web app that allows users to generate matching themes and desktop wallpaper for many popular programming tools. It should be included in this list...

Included a link to the blog post detailing how loginless is implemented. **** **Coursicle helps students plan their class schedule and get notified when classes open up. It should be...

GitHub Actions log has failing URLs. We need to remove those entries so tests can start passing again.

help wanted

[swisstransfer]( pros: 50gb limit cons: hosted in switzerland, europe, might be slow if you live far away [zippyshare]( pros: has built-in video player if you upload a video, doesn't support...