elm-desktop-app copied to clipboard
the simplest way to write desktop applications in Elm
is the simplest way to write desktop applications in Elm.
It's built on top of Electron, and it currently supports the following uses:
- Your app can persist state to disk as a JSON file
- automatically to your end user's "userData" directory
- to a JSON file specified by your end user
- Build and package Mac, Linux, and Windows apps
- (soon) prepare and publish an npm package that can launch your app from the command line
Use the elm-desktop-app
command line tool to create a new project, which includes a dependency on the avh4/elm-desktop-app
Elm pacakge and a working starting-point for you app:
npm install -g elm-desktop-app
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
elm-desktop-app init
Edit the generated src/Main.elm
to implement your app and define how to persist data (you can see the full example code here):
import DesktopApp
import DesktopApp.JsonMapping as JsonMapping
main : DesktopApp.Program Model Msg
main =
{ init = ( init, Cmd.none )
, update = \msg model -> ( update msg model, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none
, view = view
, persistence = Just persistence
type alias Model =
{ name : String
, count : Int
persistence : JsonMapping.ObjectMapping Model Msg
persistence =
JsonMapping.object Loaded
|> JsonMapping.with "name" .name JsonMapping.string
|> JsonMapping.with "count" .count JsonMapping.int
Use the command line tool to run your app:
elm-desktop-app run
The user data for your app is automatically persisted! πΎπ
You can easily build Mac, Linux, and Windows packages (packages are built to ./elm-stuff/elm-desktop-app/app/dist/
elm-desktop-app package