Abhijit Gupta
Abhijit Gupta
Less detailed statistics, but more interesting visualizations possible
Currently the red alliance is listed as having scored 64 auto game piece points and 0 teleop game piece points. https://www.thebluealliance.com/match/2023onnew_qm9 ## Possible Solution After the match video comes out,...
Maybe when user refreshes, request TBA from website and populate accordingly. Since EPAs don't change during offseason events
Styling is inconsistent with rest of app. Also hard to extend. One requested feature is ability to search for teams.
See https://ftcscores.com/event/btRqudnU
Also fix last point of line charts generally (see TODO in code)
Limit defaults to 0 in `get_team_events`, should be 100. Can probably bundle in with next update.
Especially important for offseason
Ex. Team ABCD has outscored their match prediction X of the last 10 matches, or Team ABCD has a 40% winrate in matches they were expected to lose, etc.