rustywind icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rustywind copied to clipboard

CLI for organizing Tailwind CSS classes

RustyWind Mean Bean CI npm version


Available via npm

yarn global add rustywind


npm install -g rustywind


Install from a github release:

curl -LSfs | sh -s -- --git avencera/rustywind


Download a release directly from github:


You can use the dockerized version

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app avencera/rustywind:latest <rustywind arguments>


Run rustywind with a path to output updated file contents to the terminal:

  • rustywind .

If you want to reorganize all classes in place, and change the files run with the --write flag

  • rustywind --write .

Run rustywind with a path and the --dry-run to get a list of files that will be changed:

  • rustywind --dry-run .

Run rustywind on your STDIN:

  • echo "<FILE CONTENTS>" | rustywind --stdin

Run in CI, exit with error if unsorted classes are found:

  • rustywind --check-formatted .

Run RustyWind with a custom sorter. The config_file.json should have a top level entry of sortOrder which is an array with the classes listed in the order you want them sorted.

  • rustywind --config-file config_file.json
RustyWind 0.14.0
Praveen Perera <[email protected]>

    Run rustywind with a path to get a list of files that will be changed
      rustywind . --dry-run

    If you want to reorganize all classes in place, and change the files run with the `--write` flag
      rustywind --write .

    To print only the file names that would be changed run with the `--check-formatted` flag
      rustywind --check-formatted .

    If you want to run it on your STDIN, you can do:
      echo "<FILE CONTENTS>" | rustywind --stdin

    rustywind [FLAGS] <PATH>

    <PATH>...    A file or directory to run on

       When set, RustyWind will not delete duplicated classes

       Checks if the files are already formatted, exits with 1 if not formatted

   --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
       When set, RustyWind will use the config file to derive configurations. The config file
       current only supports json with one property sortOrder,e.g. { "sortOrder": ["class1",
       ...] }

   --custom-regex <CUSTOM_REGEX>
       Uses a custom regex instead of default one

       Prints out the new file content with the sorted classes to the terminal

    -h, --help
       Print help information

   --ignored-files <IGNORED_FILES>
       When set, RustyWind will ignore this list of files

       Uses stdin instead of a file or folder

    -V, --version
       Print version information

            Changes the files in place with the reorganized classes


Inspired by Ryan Heybourn's headwind vscode plugin. This is a CLI tool that will look through your project and sort all Tailwind CSS classes.

It will also delete any duplicate classes it finds.