We need to start generating vim-bootstrap launch (binary), simplifies the process of generating rpm, dev and etc.
Way of using: ``` dnf install vim-bootstrap vim-bootstrap -langs=python,lua,ruby,javascript,haskell -editor=vim > ~/.vimrc ``` Today install https://github.com/avelino/vim-bootstrap#offline-usage
https://github.com/thinca/vim-themis example: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/tree/master/test
Way of using: ``` apt-get install vim-bootstrap vim-bootstrap -langs=python,lua,ruby,javascript,haskell -editor=vim > ~/.vimrc ``` Today install https://github.com/avelino/vim-bootstrap#offline-usage
Generate pdf scanned (image inside of the pdf) bootstrap: https://github.com/poorny/docconv/commit/8729c9736d2a181663df3b7d0eac0ea4a01e506b
I (like a lot of other people) use mermaid for source controlling diagrams. I would love to see if there is a way to render rough (style) diagrams from mermaid...
build command (shadow-cljs): `yarn shadow-cljs watch functions` build backtrace: ``` shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure" Downloading: cljsjs/firebase/7.5.0-0/firebase-7.5.0-0.pom from clojars Downloading: cljsjs/firebase/7.5.0-0/firebase-7.5.0-0.jar from clojars failed to start service {:id :classpath} ExceptionInfo:...
Hey guys what you think best for open mining configuration: json, yaml or ini (current)