Good point, I had thought only of happy cumin (select friendly), to see your drop query left me worried about this feature. We need to evolve our permissions system to...
the query execution can be turned on with JWT (it doesn't work if you have turned it off), but we need to generate the token with minimum expiration. If the...
I don't know how to use the permissions part of postgresql to manage this feature. @aidan-plenert-macdonald could you help pREST with this part by creating an ACL model based on...
@fabriziomello in the issue description I explain the reason for the existence - pREST Admin will have a sql queries executor @aidan-plenert-macdonald @fabriziomello thinking about security we can limit execution...
I agree that view is the best solution (pREST already works with this kind of object), but as an engineer (developer) I don't like "things" inside the database, drop view,...
@wuzhen1228 in your json has a typo, was it a typo `,` or are you using it this way in the request? `"pub_props" : {"age":"22","sex",0}` from: `"sex",0` to: `"sex":0`
Describe how you imagined use via pREST API
When it is declared environment variable via `docker-compose` **does not work**, we need to understand why
@mattes and maintainer team We use a lot of the migrate in pREST[1], if you want to move the project to the organization of pREST[2] will be very welcome (we...
@fabriziomello were you able to look at that integration (docs)?