@teles vou ver o que aconteceu
Today no time test environment, it would be great you implement the tests
@brunofarina You write?
The idea is to migrate to **oauthlib** #7
Where he saw the use of the Breaker?
I like the idea, but I don't know if it would give the same awesome list feeling let's innovate and test
I think it's very high entry barrier, star metric is not a good metric for a successful project. I recommend reading this thread: https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go/issues/1446#issuecomment-336215791
@elahmo unfortunately "django-turbolinks" is no longer maintained cc @dgladkov
Opps (is CMS) - http://www.oppsproject.org/
Music via code (python), by @diegodukao https://github.com/diegodukao/foxdot-compositions/blob/master/pyne/2021/pyne-2021.py Well based on this I see it would be to understand how to produce rhythm that helps keep focus