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Examples demonstrating the usage of avatar²
Welcome to the avatar²-examples repository. Here, different examples and use-cases for avatar² are collected and presented.
Currently, the following three examples are available:
qemu_uboot - "connecting avatar² to a qemu-instance running u-boot."
nucleo_l152re - "Transferring the state of a physical device into an emulator after board initialization."
nrf51_ble - "Hands-on examples explained during the WiSec'21 tutorial on avatar2."
rp_pico - "Rehosting the Raspberry Pi Pico blink example."
Adding your own example
You haved used avatar² and want to showcase your script as example to guide other avatar² users in the future? You are more than welcome to do so! You can either create a pull request here on github with the according files or contact us via mail (avatar2-at-lists.eurecom.fr) or irc (#avatar2 at freenode).