react-dice-roll copied to clipboard
A highly customizable dice roll package built in react.
A highly customizable dice roll package built in react.
Live Demo
Use the package manager yarn to install react-dice-roll
yarn add react-dice-roll
or using npm
npm install react-dice-roll
import Dice from 'react-dice-roll';
<Dice onRoll={(value) => console.log(value)} />
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
rollingTime | number | 1000 | Rolling time for dice in milliseconds |
onRoll | (value) => void | - | Function which receives the values between 1 - 6 after the dice roll |
triggers | string[] | ['click'] | Accepts an array of key strings which replaces the default trigger of dice roll onClick . Multiple key strings can be passed as an array including the click to use multiple triggers for dice roll key. eg: ['Enter', 'a', 'click'] |
defaultValue | number (1-6) | 6 | Default value of the dice before rolling |
size | number | 250 | Dimensions of the dice in pixels |
sound | string | - | URL for the sound to play on dice roll |
disabled | boolean | - | Whether the dice is disabled or not |
faces | string[] | - | Array of image urls for custom sides of the dice |
faceBg | string | - | Custom background color for the dice face |
placement | top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right | - | Placement of the device if put inside a relative positioned element |
cheatValue | number (1-6) | - | Cheat Value for the dice. If passed, dice will always roll to this value |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.