
Results 251 comments of avafinger

Here is what you should do (follow verbatim): ``` Welcome to Ubuntu 19.10 (GNU/Linux 5.3.18 armv7l) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage Last login: Wed Feb 19...

yep, that's right.

Yes, you should update. I think the error was in 5.3.5 and i fixed it later. I tested the install for the 5.3.18 and it worked: `ii linux-image-5.3.18 1.0-35 armhf...

Instructions: Download one of the deb packages (i suggest Server if you are going to use GPIO), and run the install: * GBM (or Wayland) linux-image-5.3.18_1.0-35.deb * Server linux-image-5.3.18-server_1.0-37.deb *...

Please, refer to the last answer on that thread: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/banana-pi-m2-zero-wiringpi2/5517 You can direct the question to the user there, i am not sure which image was in use.

_I can't see the emmc on fdisk ..._ A: BananaPi M2Z does not have eMMC! _Do you recommend a different kernel version?_ A: Scroll down the github page and you...

This board has eMMC but the layout is a bit different: http://www.banana-pi.org/m2pz.html

Ubuntu 19.10

Ubuntu 19.10 - Eoan Ermine with Kernel 5.3.5

_Can I use the kernel 5.7 and configuration on Ubuntu 16.4?_ yes, i think it is possible, but the deb package will install the modules in /usr/lib/modules and i think...