vim-active-numbers icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-active-numbers copied to clipboard

📏 Only show line numbers in the active window


Clear the clutter of line numbers outside the current window. Line numbers usually aren't relevant outside of the current file, anyway. This can also help indicate which window is active.

Basic Usage

Works out of the box™, and will follow however you have the 'number' and 'relativenumber' options set.

These are usually set in your vimrc:

set number relativenumber

Alternatively you can set the globals to be more explicit:

let g:active_number = 1
let g:active_relativenumber = 1

Optional Commands

1. Change the appearance of active line numbers:

:SetActiveNumbers {option(s)}

Works just like normal :set, but also updates the plugin.

Example: :SetActiveNumbers rnu! to toggle relative numbers.

2. Enable, Disable, or Toggle the plugin entirely:

:ActiveNumbers on
:ActiveNumbers off
:ActiveNumbers {no-arguments} = toggle

3. Ignore the current window:

:ActiveNumbersIgnore  = window ignored by ActiveNumbers
:ActiveNumbersIgnore! = window acknowledged by ActiveNumbers

Example: :ActiveNumbersIgnore | set nu nornu to have persistent, non-relative line numbers in the current window.

Another example: :tabdo windo ActiveNumbersIgnore! to stop ignoring all windows.

Excluded Filetypes

Some plugins and filetypes don't need line numbers. Here are the filetypes ignored by default:

let g:actnum_exclude =
      \ [ 'unite', 'tagbar', 'startify', 'undotree', 'gundo', 'vimshell', 'w3m' ]

In order to add more to the list, just put a superset of the above in your vimrc. (Or include a subset if you like micro-optimization :P)


  • vim-plug
    • Plug 'auwsmit/vim-active-numbers'
  • Pathogen
    • git clone git:// ~/.vim/bundle/vim-active-numbers
  • Manual installation:
    • Copy the files to your .vim directory (vimfiles on Windows)

Related plugins


I got some ideas and code cues from numbers.vim and CursorLineCurrentWindow. The basic readme format came from sneak.vim.


See the issue tracker, and if you come across any bugs, please post an issue for it.


MIT. See the LICENSE file in this repository.


  • Write help docs