node-machine-id copied to clipboard
Can't resolve 'child_process'
On importing import {machineId, machineIdSync} from 'node-machine-id' in app component then getting this error. Any work around for the same. ERROR in ./node_modules/node-machine-id/dist/index.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'child_process' in 'C:\Users\farhan\Desktop\ Farhan\Projects\BFMC\BFMClient\node_modules\node-machine-id\dist'
I had the same problem, I think. You are probably using machineIdSync in the Electron renderer process? child_process is a node module and can only be accessed from the main process.
Try a request from the renderer process:
this.userId = this.electronService.ipcRenderer.sendSync('UUID_REQUEST')
And in the main process:
ipcMain.on('UUID_REQUEST', async (event, args) => {
event.returnValue = machineIdSync();
Faced with the same problem I did some research. With inspiration from I solved it for the rendering process by adding following config for webpack.config.js. After this change I get a machine id when running a build electron app, when running "serve" it fails with an exception at execution but that is ok for me.
node: { child_process: "empty" }