live-processing icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
live-processing copied to clipboard

A Processing clone with livecode capabilities

  • live-processing

  • Introduction

live-processing is a [[][Processing]] clone with /livecode/ capabilities.

It's written in [[][Clojure]] using [[][clj-processing]] and for now supports just a small set of Processing functions.

With live-processing you don't need to recompile Processing code every time. You can modify the code on-the-fly.

  • Prerequisites

To run live-processing you'll need a [[][Java runtime]].

  • Installation

** Fast way

To demo live-processing, just download and run the /jar/:

#+begin_src sh $ wget -c $ java -jar live-processing.jar & #+end_src

Try to edit the code and press Eval while it's running!

** Hacking

To hack the code, you'll need [[][Clojure]] and [[][leiningen]]. To intall both:

#+begin_src sh $ cd /usr/local/bin $ wget $ chmod +x lein $ lein self-install #+end_src

It'll install leiningen that will self-install itself and other dependencies like Clojure itself.

Now download live-processing source code from the repos:

#+begin_src sh $ git clone git:// #+end_src

And use leiningen to download all dependencies:

#+begin_src sh $ cd live-processing $ lein deps #+end_src

If you want to generate the /uberjar/ (a /jar/ containing all the dependencies), do:

#+begin_src sh $ lein uberjar #+end_src

To execute the code on the /REPL/:

#+begin_src sh $ lein repl #+end_src

  • Using

To start hacking on live-processing try enter some code on the editor. Then press the Eval button everytime you want to update the code.