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Manage Submissions Button Functionalities
Resolves #1849
Add functionality to majority of buttons (exceptions listed below) on the redesigned Manage Submissions interface. Exceptions are:
- Missing Submissions (should still have old functionality instead of filter, this will be added in #1857)
- Change Grade Type (this button will be changed to a dropdown, details TBD, and added with #1855)
Also includes excused student marker (for #1855) and some commented code for the excused popup (for #1855, in-progress).
Includes a bug fix where only a certain number of table entries were shown— now the Manage Submissions table should show all submissions for an assignment.
- Create Submission, Download Final Submissions, and Manage Extensions should all work as intended
- Missing Submissions should work but not in the redesigned manner
- View Submission File (in row)
- Delete Submission (in row)
- [For Autograded] Regrade Submission (in row)
- Select Submissions/All should activate the Regrade/Delete/Download Selected buttons (should originally be disabled)
- [For Autograded] Regrade multiple submissions
- Delete multiple submissions
- Download multiple submissions
(Note: Original issue mentions changing wording of "Excuse Selected"/"Unexcuse Selected" in the button. This functionality was implemented in the first commit in this PR, but was removed upon further discussion in order to have a dropdown "Change Grade Type" button instead.)
Types of changes
- [x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
- [x] I have run rubocop for style check. If you haven't, run
overcommit --install && overcommit --sign
to use pre-commit hook for linting - [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation, which is located at Autolab Docs
- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly, included in this PR
I think all of the checkboxes should be shown as checked when the select all button is clicked
am getting this error when i try to "change grade type"