biometric_storage copied to clipboard
Clear keys on macOS
How do I see all the keys my app has created in macOS? I've looked in the "Keychain Access" but I can't see anything obvious that has been created.
Unlike android where you can clear the cache/delete the app, on macOS I have yet to find a way to reset everything.
Thanks in advance
I don't think there is a UI for this 🤔 For quick unlock you can go to the preferences in authpass and select "clear biometric storage". For all other data you would have to manually delete the data directory. This is located in the sandbox of the app. You should find the path to the sandbox in the about dialog where it displays the path to the log file, which should be in a similar directory 🤔
So I spent a few hours searching, and i'm not sure how I missed it the first time. They are in the Keychain Access app. They are in the "login" keychain under Category "Passwords". I guess the reason I didn't see them before is because they are all saved under the name flutter_biometric_storage. Which isn't they most helpful name, and if multiple apps use this same bundle, its going to get confusing fast.
Any chance we could change the above to be the using
kSecAttrService as String: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
I tested it locally and it added my keys under my own I'll create pull request shortly.
Thanks zeroflaw
Pull request for this issue:
(ok I somehow confused repositories.. I though this was authpass/authpass
, sorry 😅) .. but there is an API for clearing the secure storage..
So I spent a few hours searching, and i'm not sure how I missed it the first time. They are in the Keychain Access app. They are in the "login" keychain under Category "Passwords". I guess the reason I didn't see them before is because they are all saved under the name flutter_biometric_storage. Which isn't they most helpful name, and if multiple apps use this same bundle, its going to get confusing fast.
Any chance we could change the above to be the using
kSecAttrService as String: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
I tested it locally and it added my keys under my own I'll create pull request shortly.
Thanks zeroflaw
Does this mean that one app can also overwrite another app's entry? Or entries -- does it make an entry per key/value under "flutter_biometric_storage? Haven't used this just yet, currently researching different options for encrypted desktop keys.
edit: if so, I guess you could prefix all of your keys with an identifier related to your program for now, right?