example-oauth2-server copied to clipboard
What is the full curl command to get access token with request token?
Hi, The sample in this repo is pretty straightforward and clear. Thanks.
One thing is not mentioned in tutorial is getting new access_token with refresh_token as way of renewing an access_token.
I tried below command and the other which had auth tuple and both failed.
$ curl -XPOST -F grant_type=refresh_token -F refresh_token=NogJYgBFjH3NmTBDHdDYTCUQBQaMXBFZThdjaHtjraEuT9HM
{"error": "invalid_client"}
The other test is adding client_id and cilent_secret:
curl -u ${client_id}:${client_secret} -XPOST -F grant_type=refresh_token -F scope=profile -F refresh_token=${refresh_token}
{"error": "unauthorized_client"}
What is the correct curl command to get access token with refresh token?
The full command should be like below , you need get your client id, client secret and username from the sqlite.
- id
- secret
- username
curl -u iuDsNl5kBL6dxaVWdIUtU53z:IFlpm1up7drF50wdSfceB29PSGX3geqQG683ReI8NzR0BZV7 -XPOST -F grant_type=password -F username=$nicksonthc -F password=valid -F scope=profile
The sqlite database store under folder instance
, you can download vscode extension sqlite to browse the row after you create your client via
Hi I am getting similar error:
curl -u "${CLIENT_ID}:${CLIENT_SECRET}" -XPOST -F grant_type=authorization_code -F code=RSv6j745Ri0DhBSvi2RQu5JKpIVvLm8SFd5ObjOZZSijohe0
{"error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Invalid \"code\" in request."}%