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A Go library that provides a thread-safe least recently used (LRU) cache with a fixed capacity.

go-lru-cache GoReportCard GoDoc

A Go library that provides a thread-safe least recently used (LRU) cache with a fixed capacity.


To install go-lru-cache, use go get.

go get github.com/austingebauer/go-lru-cache

Then import the library into your Go program.

import "github.com/austingebauer/go-lru-cache"



go-lru-cache has a simple API.

It provides a Put() method that allows you to place key/value pairs into the cache.

It provides a Get() method that allows you to retrieve values given a key.

It provides a Purge() method that clears the cache.

It provides a Len() method that returns the length of the cache.

Please see the GoDoc for additional API documentation of the library.

Example 1: Basic usage

cache, err := lru.NewCache(2, nil)

cache.Put(1, 2)
cache.Put(2, 3)
cache.Get(1)       // returns 2
cache.Put(3, 4)    // evicts 2->3
cache.Get(2)       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.Put(4, 5)    // evicts 1->2
cache.Get(1)       // returns -1 (not found)
cache.Get(3)       // returns 4
cache.Get(4)       // returns 5

Example 2: Usage showing onEvict() function passed into NewCache()

keyVal := ""
onEvict := func(key, value interface{}) {
    keyVal = key.(string) + value.(string)

cache, err := NewCache(1, onEvict)
cache.Put("ada", "lovelace")
cache.Put("linus", "torvalds") // evicts ada->lovelace

// Eviction happened on ada->lovelace, thereby calling onEvict()
// So, printing keyVal will print "adalovelace"


go-lru-cache will begin to evict the least recently used key/value pair when it has reached its given capacity.

Calls to both Get() and Put() count as usage of a given key/value pair.

If an onEvicted function has been passed into NewCache() during construction, then the function will be called with the evicted key/value pair every time an eviction occurs.


Pull requests are welcome.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests along with changes.
