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I want to be able to control my neopixel stick using dino, but I really don't know how to get started on it.
I don't fully understand how my arduino is using this library. I'm only using one pin to control it. It's easy to code for in arduino using the library, but I have no idea how to merge it with dino.
Any ideas? I'd be willing to setup a remote connection so that someone could play with it if need be. Or if you're in the states I could order you a stick?
Anyone feel free to chime in and correct me if I'm wrong on anything here.
You'll need to modify the dino library a bit. If it were me I'd add a few commands to duino.cpp. As it stands, dino's serial protocol is capable of having 256 different commands, numbered 0 through 255. It only uses 0-9, 90, 97 and 98. So you could pick any of the remaining numbers to add your own custom commands to call the neopixel library's functions.
On the ruby side, I would make a new component that sends the proper commands you created in your sketch. Also you'd have to add your new commands to the Board class. You can use the existing component classes as templates/examples for making your new one for the neopixel.
Also another tip, you may want to learn how to take advantage of ruby's Array.pack function to send the necessary parameters to your new custom commands in as few messages as possible.
@theboozler, that's the general approach, yes.
One thing I'd like to add, is that you should enclose your library inside a single top level command. If you look at how the DinoLCD library in 0.12 is done:
The "cmd" part of the message that Ruby sends is just "10", which tells the board to call the handleLCD() method in Dino.cpp. This invokes a case statement inside DinoLCD.cpp. Here the "val" part of the message is interpreted as the "command" sent to the library. The actual values or data the library needs get stored in the "aux" part of the message.
We could probably improve on this message structure, but that's how it works for now. Try to avoid cluttering up the top level "cmd" space, since all commands at that level have to get added to board.rb.
If you just set up one command to access the entire library, then you only need one entry in board.rb, and your component's ruby file can take care of composing most of the message. It's also easier to maintain, since long case statements lilke https://github.com/austinbv/dino/blob/0.12.0-wip/src/lib/DinoLCD.cpp#L21, end up inside YourLibrary.cpp instead of Dino.cpp.
Ah some nice improvements in 0.12! I hacked away at the library before to implement my own "auxmsg". Good work.
Added in 4be7ed for most chips.