xviz copied to clipboard
Converting data and live streaming
Hello. Can you help me to understand how I can convert my files to xviz? What do I really need to have? For example, I have jpeg photos from my stream, I also know a timestamp of each img. But it looks very difficult to do the same work as with kitti.
I can't understand if its enough to do what I want, maybe I need to add more information about my images. And do I need to use timestamp somewhere?
var img = new Uint8Array(msg.jpeg);
var timestamp = msg.timestamp;
const xb = xvizMetaBuilder;
.image(img, 'png')
.dimensions(info.width, info.height);
Also, I want to get photos from my stream(I use ZeroCM for it) and send them to xviz without saving. Can I do it? I read a lot of issues and, as far as I understand, we need file .json with all timestamps. Is it true?
Then I saw that now we have XVIZ server for Python. Do you think it's easier to do my work using Python instead of JS?
Thank you for your attention.
If you are using python, you can create channel name for camera image
Next you can stream it. Please note that img
must shouldn't be a numpy uint8 array. It should be bytes.
You can convert numpy to bytes simply using img = img.tobytes()
where img is WxHx3 uint8 array initially.
builder.primitive('/camera/0').image(img).dimensions(w, h)
You may find this example useful.