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Problem with ROS Converter
I've got another problem with ROS converter. Currently I can see the visualization of point cloud with the example ROSConfig json (config-1.json, config-2.json). However, when I add image data to ROSConfig, I cannot get the visualization of images as the example server. I am using the rosbag converted from the example KITTI dataset with kitti2bag, and I'm following the link below to install it: https://github.com/uber/xviz/tree/master/examples/converters/ros
My ROSConfig is something like:
"topicConfig": [
"topic": "/kitti/oxts/gps/fix",
"type": "sensor_msgs/NavSatFix",
"config": {
"xvizStream": "/vehicle_pose",
"imuTopic": "/kitti/oxts/imu"
"topic": "/kitti/camera_color_left/image_raw",
"converter": "SensorCompressedImage",
"config": {
"xvizStream": "/vehicle/camera/center_front"
(the example from https://github.com/uber/xviz/blob/master/docs/api-reference/ros/ros-config.md)
There is a bug in the ROS Image converter, that I have not fixed yet. so only a very small number of image formats are supported.
Currently what formats it supports? I am just running the example ROS bag(converted from example KITTI dataset)
Knock knock... Has this problem been get solved??
I have something problem with my json(rosconfig) file... When i start server, it doesn't show velocity, acceleration, camera...
I also set converter and config, but it doesn't work!!
plz, Give me some example file about config.json file
Thank U.