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**I'm submitting a feature request** Currency Input
I'm submitting a feature request OS windows 10 Node Version: 12.18.2 npm6.14.5 yarn 1.22.4 cli 1.3.1 systemjs code https://github.com/bb-harlan/au-input-currency demo https://bb-harlan.github.io/au-input-currency/
The above repo repersents what I consider a perfect currency input component. The value-converter is only enabled when not editing the input box and does not display in editing mode.
Is there a way to do that with ax-input? I currently do the following <ux-input placeholder="Indemnity" value.bind="currentItem.Indemnity | currencyFormat:('0,0.00') & debounce:2000 "...
I found https://ilikekillnerds.com/2019/04/masked-inputs-in-aurelia-the-easy-and-reliable-way/ and converted ts to js and using mask. Will attempt to modify ux-input to use mask. John
@johntom did you succeed?