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ShadowDOM shared css loading only works with webpack.
Discovered in #110, our shared css loading for shadowDOM only has webpack support.
// in src/main.js/ts
import shared from './shared.css';
// optionally add the shared styles for all components
sharedStyles: [shared]
In webpack.config.js, we have skipped style-loader if the css is loaded from src/main (issuer).
test: /\.css$/i,
// For style loaded in src/main.js, it's not loaded by style-loader.
// It's for shared styles for shadow-dom only.
issuer: /[/\\]src[/\\]main\.(js|ts)$/,
use: [ 'css-loader', postcssLoader ]
We don't have equivalent parcel/vite/gulp setup. Gulp is probably easiest to support. Vite maybe possible. No idea about parcel config.