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Support for Firefox
I'm submitting a feature request
Hello, the inspector is a nice tool. Thanks for creating it.
Current behavior:
It is currently a Chrome extension only
Expected/desired behavior:
Is it possible to create a Firefox version (and maybe even Edge?)
- What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Helps with developers who have different default browsers, or are doing more cross-browser testing/debugging.
Would you like to create and maintain one, @anupshah ?
Sorry, for slow reply. I'd love to give this a go, but am crushed on spare time lately... If I free up at some point and someone hasn't taken this on then will be happy to try and start something...
@anupshah I'm pretty sure most devs use chrome dev tools when developing and using ff/edge only when needed to validate or debug something specific to that browser.
I hear you. But there was a time when Firefox was the browser of choice for deving due to the (then-new) Firebug. Point is, things will change over time. (I am, for example, trying to go back to Firefox, from Chrome, as my dev browsers of choice on one of my dev environments, given some of its improvements lately.)
Also, in the most ideal case, I suppose you want to provide tools for various environments if there are those things happening on certain browsers as you note.
I also appreciate that if currently the majority are using Chrome then this may be a lower priority, for now.
The development tools in Firefox have gotten significantly better since this issue was first logged. I use it almost exclusively over Chrome now for development. I'd like to see a Firefox version too.
Inspector moved to Although.. we still don't have a volunteer to build FF extension.
@bigopon can be closed.. I guess