binding copied to clipboard
I'm submitting a bug report
Please tell us about your environment:
Operating System: Windows 10
Node Version: 68.11.3
NPM Version: 6.6.0
Browser: Firefox 64.02
Language: ESNext
Current behavior:
Create a value converter 👍
export class AddStringValueConverter {
toView(value, string) {
let s = ""+value+string;
console.log("add-string :",value+"=>"+""+s);
return s;
Create a template 👍
<input value.bind="test | addString : '.00' & updateTrigger:'blur'" />
<input >
now input "2" un first field, then puche "tab" (it display "2.00") then push "Shift+Tab", input "2" then it display "2" and not "2.00" !!
- What is the expected behavior? showing "2.00" and not "2"
@behel33 Thanks for creating the issue, I couldn't recreate the behavior you described, can you help fix this codesandbox
Sorry to answer so late. ;-) In your under chromium the bug is present. Chromium : Version 70.0.3538.102 (Build officiel) (64 bits) Windows 10 Pro. To get the bog ,input keys like this : input "45" input key TAB => here it become "45.00", and cursor is on second field input keys SHIFT+TAB => cursor go to first fiels and "45" is selected input "45" input key TAB => cursor go to second field, and "45" was not converted in "45.00"
Closing per information on #739