aurelia-open-id-connect copied to clipboard
Best approach when all routes requires an authenticated user
Hi! First, thanks for this plugin, it works great!
In our new app we only allows authenticated users. That is, we dont need a login button. If the user is not logged in, the app should imediatly redirect to the STS (Identityserver).
What are the recommended way of doing this?
This is what we want to achive:
- As fast/early as possible, check for a already logged in user (Any helper methods for this?)
- If user is not logged in - redirect to STS
- If user is logged in - continue booting the app
Are there any build in functionality in the plugin to help with this?
I can put together a small demo for you later this week. Off the top of my head, I think it is as simple as adding the following to the attached
method in app.ts
this.openIdConnect.observeUser((user: User) => this.user = user);
if (!user) {
See for the plugin API. You might also what to try loginSilent()
instead of or in addition to login()
Thanks, I did try something like you descibed, but it sometimes ended in a loop, but I did'nt do much testing. If you would create a small demo, that would be really great!
Apologies for not having responded. I have been away from the computer for a while.
This appears to work in the app.ts code:
public attached() {
this.openIdConnect.observeUser((user: User) => this.onUserChanged(user));
private onUserChanged(user: User) {
this.user = user;
if (!this.user) {
Hi all, I remember I posted a piece of code before as well. On an issue, including a check if the user is still logged in. I'll try to find it.
Maybe you can find your answer here:
The login silent call is to check if the current user still has a valid session. Because userdetails are placed in local storage.
I'll see if I can get this baked in, we did something similar in a project of ours