clmtrackr copied to clipboard
clmtrk not working correctly when i give video and canvas size as variable.
so when i give video size and canvas size as a variable of window.innerwidth and window.innerheight clm trckr not tracking correctly ... i cant fix video size as it depends on the system we are using and iam using it in my webpage.
It is always easier to discuss code, while looking at code. Could you provide some sort of example what you are trying to accomplish?
`videoInput = createCapture(VIDEO); videoInput.size(x, y); videoInput.position(xpos, ypos); // setup canvas
cnv = createCanvas(x, y).mousePressed(storeguess);
// setup tracker
ctracker = new clm.tracker();
this is my part of code and when iam giving x,y as some number everything is perfect but when i am giving x=window.innerwidth and y=window.innerheight the clmtrck efficiency(eye detection) is decreased.
I cannot try out at the moment, that is why I am just throwing questions at you. If you hard code the current innerwidth and innerheight, do you have the same problem? If you have a small window, is the efficiency also decreased?
if i hard code any value there is no problem ,efficiency is also good. but there is some problem when iam giving x=window. innerwidth y=window. innerheight