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Custom key bindings

Open mightyiam opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments

I'm using this and liking it. Thank you!

Just for the record, I'd like to use different key bindings than the default arrows.

mightyiam avatar Oct 20 '21 08:10 mightyiam

I just found this and it seems awesome, but I wanted to customize the bindings too. I'm using zsh, and in the zsh setup the section that binds the keys is guarded by the ATUIN_NOBIND env var here.

For my case, I just wanted to disable the arrows but still use Ctrl-R, so I put this in my .zshrc and it did the trick!

ATUIN_NOBIND=1 eval "$(atuin init zsh)"
bindkey '^r' _atuin_search_widget

dceddia avatar Feb 15 '22 20:02 dceddia

I'm using this issue as the main issue for all "custom key bindings", whether that is inside the search TUI or from the shell

ellie avatar Jan 05 '24 12:01 ellie

This issue has been mentioned on Atuin Community. There might be relevant details there:

atuin-bot avatar Jan 22 '24 12:01 atuin-bot

This issue has been mentioned on Atuin Community. There might be relevant details there:

atuin-bot avatar Feb 22 '24 21:02 atuin-bot

In addition to switching the custom key bindings, I'd really like to edit the key binding of the UI. More specifially, I'd like to have the enter key behave like the tab key, all the time. I mostly search command to edit previous long commands, so most of the time I don't want to run it before inspecting it

Edit: found the enter_accept setting. My comment is way less relevant :)

elthariel avatar Feb 27 '24 07:02 elthariel