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Directory switching based on cwd history

Open NorfairKing opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments


I found this project a while ago and it's basically the same as the hastory I made a few years back. The feature set is very similar except you did it much better :+1: so I'm looking to stop using mine and start using yours. There's only one feature that I haven't found in atuin, which is the frequency-based directory switching.

The idea is that you can learn where the user probably wants to switch to next from the history of cwds. This is a very simple frequency-based computation, nothing fancy, see

NorfairKing avatar Jul 05 '21 06:07 NorfairKing

I'm not quite sure I understand this request. Atuin doesn't manage directory switching. If you are looking for a good alternative to smart dir switching, I'd suggest zoxide

conradludgate avatar Nov 21 '21 15:11 conradludgate

@NorfairKing you might also be interested in this project I threw together over the weekend 😁

mrjones2014 avatar Dec 21 '21 18:12 mrjones2014

You know, on second thoughts, this might actually be a pretty neat thing to have. We do have the data, afterall 🤔

ellie avatar Oct 08 '22 04:10 ellie

bevel has this feature as well, fwiw:

NorfairKing avatar Oct 09 '22 12:10 NorfairKing