atuin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atuin copied to clipboard

Select text

Open ismith opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

I can't use my mouse to select (and then copy) text in a command - sometimes I don't want to run a command, or get the whole thing, I just want to copy a hash or id or what have you from it.

Right now I do that by finding the command I want, hitting 'enter' to put it in the terminal, and then I can copy/paste/edit/whatever there instead of just hitting enter again to run as-is. But it'd be less cognitive friction if I could copy-paste from the tui like I expect when I see text on a screen.

ismith avatar Jun 30 '21 04:06 ismith

I have the same problem, is there any solution?

loggerhead avatar May 14 '22 13:05 loggerhead

I am hitting this very use case while trying to document, after the fact, the commands I used for a complex task.

atuin search | fzf does not work - as fzf does not allow for text selection, either. Whoops. (Same with skim)

Am I looking for a glorified history browser? sqlitebrowser ~/.local/share/atuin/history.db ?

shoffmeister avatar Apr 09 '23 07:04 shoffmeister

I run into this daily.

Being able to highlight text in atuin so it I can paste it elsewhere would be great

pigfrown avatar Jun 07 '23 20:06 pigfrown