glTFast copied to clipboard
Freeze frame during runtime loading in Android
Could you please tell me if there is any way to get rid of freeze frames?
As far as I understand, the use of IDeferAgent is intended specifically for loading multiple models and increases the frame rate by queuing. Freeze frames occur even when loading one model.
Model (glb):
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GLTFast;
using UnityEngine;
namespace GLTFLoading
public class GltfLoader : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private string fileName = "Footman_RIG.glb";
[SerializeField] [Range(.01f, 5f)] private float frameBudget = 0.1f;
private GltfImport _gltf;
async void Start()
fileName = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
Debug.Log($"Path for file = {fileName}");
await LoadGltfBinaryFromMemory(transform);
private async Task<bool> LoadGltfBinaryFromMemory(Transform parent)
TimeBudgetPerFrameDeferAgent deferAgent = parent.gameObject.AddComponent<TimeBudgetPerFrameDeferAgent>();
ImportSettings importSettings = new()
AnimationMethod = AnimationMethod.Mecanim,
AnisotropicFilterLevel = 3,
GenerateMipMaps = true
var success = await _gltf.Load(fileName, importSettings); // Frame freeze is here
if (success)
return await _gltf.InstantiateMainSceneAsync(parent);
return success;
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create URP unity project
- Create scene
- Add the script (you can see it above) to scene
- Build the application
- Install the app on the device, download the model and place the model in the Persistence Data Path
- Open the app
- See frame freeze
Expected behavior
We get a frame freeze
Additional data
- glTFast version 6.0.1
- Unity version 2022.3.16f1
- URP 14.0.9
- Platform: Android
- Meta Quest 3 (OS version SQ3A220605.009.A1), Oculus Quest 2
As I understand, parameter GenerateMipMaps = true
is very hard for the app.
Setting this parameter to False reduced the peaks (according to the profiler data), but it still doesn't look good. Below I present the profiler data when loading GLTF via gltf fast
GenerateMipMaps = true
GenerateMipMaps = false