Ansgar Jazdzewski

Results 6 issues of Ansgar Jazdzewski

this patch allow the user to use the mode=ext within ganeti. So if a vm is starting, the script "/usr/share/ganeti/extnetwork//up" given by the gnt-network-tag "ext_provider" is triggerd. We use this...

Ganeti 3.1

Allow to control the amount of I/O that a Instance can perform

Ganeti 3.1

something like: - add kvm-parameters for windows (enlightment) - add a display if needed - add a soundcard

This will enable lager bitwarden deployments to make use of collections. In order to have the same key stored with different values, for multiple environments

this patch will allow custome fields and attachments used with Organization and Collection

A Document on how a potential Terraform Provider for ganeti could be done