Alex Trifan
Alex Trifan
Under high concurrency, the connection is not being reused
Subsequent requires done inside of an oldRequire (original) should be done with oldRequire and not pass through mocka framework
We need to enhance the spies/ mocks calls validation support. Right now we only know the last parameters. We want a more hands on validation based call number or other...
Unit tests results.xml are incorrectly generated. Escape special characters for junit report Sample: ``` /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/mocka.lua:600: assertEquals failed: expected [allowed], was [{"error_code":"403013","message":"Your IP is not whitelisted"} ] ```
Would be great if mocka integrated with ZeroBrane to the following point: - Interpreter / API - for autocompletion on global mocka framework. - Plugin for having a button to...
As a mocka developer I want to be able to spy on all native ngx functions. Spies should be lazy and declared by developers.
### Expected Behaviour Add REST API for starting up functional/performance tests. Since these might be a long running process present corelationId to client so he can later query for the...