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Isolated, optionally ephemeral profiles for Google Chrome
[[][]] is a shell wrapper that simplifies using Google Chrome ephemerally.
The core concept is the disposable profile that is created on demand and (optionally) discarded on exit. Executing Chrome through the wrapper enables clear segmentation and isolation of browsing sessions into directories that can be copied / moved / kept around / deleted when no longer required.
Additionally, profiles can be preconfigured with user settings / 3rd party extensions and used as templates.
I initially created in order to get some semblance of control over my browsing habits and be able to better manage the enormous volume of information I found myself exposed to every day. Now, it has become invaluable as it encourages me to set clear limits, while conveniently keeping all state related to a specific area of research isolated and also speeding up experimenting with widely-disparate configurations and ways of browsing.
- Features
Disables caches, Flash, +referrers+
Disables 3D APIs / WebGL, GPU acceleration by default while allowing them to be re-enabled through command-line switches.
Enables user-specified proxy and incognito mode through command-line switches
Disabling referrers through a command-line switch seems to no longer do anything in Chrome, even though the switch is recognized. Use an extension like uMatrix.
- Usage First, make sure CHROME variable is correct. The default value should be ok on Linux. You can set it directly in the script itself or in ~/.chrome-private.rc. If you are on macOS, you will need GNU mktemp (gmktemp) which you can get by installing coreutils from MacPorts or Homebrew. You will also need to set CHROME to the full path of the Google (or canary) binary. Example:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell-script CHROME="${HOME}/Applications/Google Chrome" #+END_SRC
If RAMDISK is set, it will be used instead of TMP (highly recommended).
Sample session:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ --keep --name core_profile Using new profile dir: core_profile Chrome PID: 64832
Proceed to configure the browser and install extensions.
uBlock Origin and uMatrix are highly recommended.
After quitting the browser, core_profile/ can be moved / copied
and used as a root profile (template) for subsequent ephemeral
profiles. It can be set as such in ~/.chrome-private.rc
(ROOT_PROFILE_DIR) or passed to the script as an argument
$ echo ROOT_PROFILE_DIR="~/core_profile" >> ~/.chrome-private.rc
Create a new ephemeral profile that will be auto-deleted on exit
It will be an exact clone of the root profile, with the same
configuration and installed extensions. Changes to this profile
will not affect the root.
$ --delete Copying reference profile from: /Users/xristos/core_profile to: /tmp/chrome.priv.prof_biG9RWIIUB Chrome PID: 65011
Quit or CTRL-C browser
Deleted: /tmp/chrome.priv.prof_biG9RWIIUB
If you don't pass --delete, the ephemeral profile directory will be renamed
to {name}.deleted on exit rather than deleted. If you pass --keep the profile
directory will neither be renamed nor deleted.
Copying reference profile from: /Users/xristos/core_profile to: /tmp/chrome.priv.prof_paoMTlHzaw Chrome PID: 65075 Renamed: /tmp/chrome.priv.prof_paoMTlHzaw
A previous session can be resumed by using --profile
$ --profile chrome.priv.prof_paoMTlHzaw
Using existing profile dir: chrome.priv.prof_paoMTlHzaw Chrome PID: 65184
Tabs that were open in that session can be restored in one go through
the History menu. A profile directory that is directly specified through
the --profile argument will never be renamed / deleted on exit.
License This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Author xristos (AT) sdf (DOT) org