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Simple API for node.js


A simple nodejs library to interface with the API


npm install simple-lastfm


First, you'll need to get an API key from

Once you have your API key and API secret, you'll need to generate a session key, after which you can then start to scrobble:

var Lastfm = require('simple-lastfm');

var lastfm = new Lastfm({
	api_key: 'xxx',
	api_secret: 'xxx',
	username: 'xxx',
	password: 'xxx',
	authToken: 'xxx' // Optional, you can use this instead of password, where authToken = md5(username + md5(password))

lastfm.getSessionKey(function(result) {
	console.log("session key = " + result.session_key);
	if(result.success) {
			artist: 'Ratatat',
			track: 'Seventeen Years',
			callback: function(result) {
				console.log("in callback, finished: ", result);
			artist: 'Bonobo',
			track: 'Black Sands',
			callback: function(result) {
				console.log("in callback, finished: ", result);
			artist: 'Electrelane',
			track: 'Suitcase',
			callback: function(result) {
				console.log("in callback, finished: ", result);
			artist: 'something crap',
			track: 'no thanks',
			callback: function(result) {
				console.log("in callback, finished: ", result);
	} else {
		console.log("Error: " + result.error);


init ( options )

options must be an object with the following required keys:

  • api_key
  • api_secret
  • username
  • password

Optional parameters:

  • session_key
  • debug

I recommend you save the session key and reuse it when possible. Debug should be true or false. By default it is false. Set it to true to have some console commands outputted.

getSessionKey ( callback )

callback: A function which receives a single object. On success, this object looks like:

		success: true,
		session_key: 'xxx'

On failure:

		success: false,
		error: 'A text description of the error from'

Note:Right now When a session key is successfully received, it automatically gets saved into the lastfm instance (in the above code, you could access it as lastfm.session_key)

addTrackTags ( options)

Require parameters:

  • artist
  • track
  • tags: A comma delimited list of user supplied tags to apply to this track. Accepts a maximum of 10 tags.

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, error: 'text description of the error']}.

scrobbleTrack ( options )

Required parameters:

  • artist
  • track

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, error: 'text description of the error']}.
  • timestamp: The timestamp for this scrobble. If omitted, uses the current date/time. Use number of seconds (NOT milliseconds!) since the UNIX epoch.

loveTrack (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist
  • track

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, error: 'text description of the error']}.

unloveTrack (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist
  • track

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getArtistInfo (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, artistInfo: {}, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getSimilarArtists (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist

Optional parameters:

  • limit: The number of results to fetch per page. Defaults to 50.
  • autocorrect: [0, 1] Transform misspelled artist names into correct artist names, returning the correct version instead. The corrected artist name will be returned in the response.
  • mbid: The musicbrainz id for the artist.
  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, tags: {}, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getTags (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist

Optional parameters:

  • track
  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, tags: {}, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getTopArtists (options)

Required parameters:

  • user

Optional parameters:

  • period: overall | 7day | 1month | 3month | 6month | 12month - The time period over which to retrieve top artists for.
  • limit: The number of results to fetch per page. Defaults to 50.
  • page: The page number to fetch. Defaults to first page.
  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, tags: {}, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getTrackInfo (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist
  • track

Optional parameters:

  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, trackInfo: {}, error: 'text description of the error']}.

getPlays (options)

Required parameters:

  • artist

Optional parameters:

  • track: The name of the track. If ommitted, method will return number of artist plays.
  • callback: A function which receives a single object, of the form { success: true|false[, plays: #, error: 'text description of the error']}.