sdm-pack-aspect copied to clipboard
Uses Atomist Project API to visualize important data about your organization
This pack turns your SDM into a tool for visualizing technology usage and drift across an organization.
The cloud native era has led to an explosion of repositories, which we lack tools to understand and manage at scale. See Rod Johnson's blog This Will Surprise You for further discussion.
When you create an SDM with this pack, you can run it two ways:
- locally, on your laptop. Trigger it to analyze code on your laptop or from GitHub, and then see the results in a simple web app at localhost.
- connected to the Atomist service, triggering automatically, hooking into the Atomist web hook to make results available to your whole team, plus automation that helps you change the results.
An Atomist aspect captures a concern in your project, in anything available from git: repository content (code and configuration) and git data such as branch counts and committer activity. Aspects support the following use cases:
- Visualization (all aspects): See usage and drift across your organization.
- Convergence (some aspects): Help drive code changes to achieve consistency on an "ideal" state of an aspect, such as a particularly version of a library.
- Reaction to change (some aspects): React to changes in aspect usage within a project: for example, to a library upgrade, removing the Spring Boot Security starter or exposing an additional port in a Docker container.
This project focuses on the visualization use case. Visualizations are exposed via sunburst charts and via a REST API returning JSON documents.
There is out of the box support for investigating the following aspects of your project:
- TypeScript version
- Spring Boot version and starters (with Maven)
- Docker base images, Dockerfile path and exposed ports
- Java build tool (Maven, Gradle)
- Library versions (npm, Maven, Python)
- Inclusion of a code of conduct
- Common CI tools
- git activity and branch count
Analysis is extensible. Implementing and registering additional aspects will result in additional visualization links after re-analysis and restarting the application.
An example visualization, showing Docker images used across two GitHub organizations:
Try it
To try this out, we recommend grabbing the org-visualizer project. It uses this library, and gives you a place to add your own aspects.
Use this in your SDM
If you already have an Atomist SDM, add analysis & visualization of projects by bringing in this pack.
For an example, check how org-visualizer does it:
aspects: aspects(),
scorers: scorers(),
taggers: taggers({}),
combinationTaggers: combinationTaggers({}),
undesirableUsageChecker: demoUndesirableUsageChecker,
You can include any number of aspects, scorers, taggers, etc. Many are defined in this pack. For descriptions of these concepts, try
Database setup
In local mode, Atomist aspects are stored in a database. You can either configure your SDM with a preProcessor: startEmbeddedPostgres
or run Postgres on your laptop.
Creating the Database
Data about each repository is stored locally in a PostgreSQL database.
Start Postgres, connect to it, and run the create.ddl script to set up the database.
If you want to wipe out your data and start over, this will also accomplish that.
> psql
psql> \i ddl/create.ddl
Connecting to the Database
For anything other than the default Postgres connection parameters and db org_viz
Configure the Postgres database details in client.config.json
in your ~/.atomist
"sdm": {
"postgres": {
"user": "<postgres user>",
"password": "<postgres password",
"host": "<postgres host>",
"port": "<postgres port>",
"database": "org_viz"
If ~/.atomist/client.config.json
does not exist, create it with the above content.
Run the web app
When the server is running with atomist start --local
, you can see the visualizations.
Go to http://localhost:2866.
Analyze your repositories
The analyze
command is part of this pack.
It works as at Atomist command, which runs through the atomist
- install the CLI:
npm i -g @atomist/cli
- start your SDM:
atomist start --local
To analyze repositories in a GitHub organization (or a GitHub user), run the following command:
atomist analyze github organization
Enter the GitHub owner name (e.g., 'atomist') at the prompt.
To access private repositories, ensure that your GitHub token is available to
Node processes via a GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable.
To narrow the repositories, add --search [substring-of-interesting-repos]
You can also analyze repositories across GitHub using atomist analyze github by query
The query string is one that would work on
Use the --cloneUnder [dir]
option to supply a stable directory under which all cloning should be performed.
Otherwise, temporary files will be used.
If using a stable directory, make sure the directory exists and is writable by the
process. And keep an eye on disk
Local directories
To analyze local directories, wherever they were cloned from, specify the full path of the parent directory of the repositories, as follows:
atomist analyze local repositories --localDirectories /Users/rodjohnson/atomist/projects/spring-team/
atomist analyze ...
with--update true
flag to force updates to existing analyses. Do this if you have updated your analyzer code. (See Extending below.) usage, as these directories are not transient and will not be deleted automatically.
There are four architectural layers:
Analysis. This is enabled by implementing Aspects. Aspects know how to take fingerprints (extractions of small relevant bits) of the code, compare them, and even update them. Analysis is triggered by
atomist analyze
or, in regular use, by an Atomist SDM. - Query functionality.
- API layer. Once your server is running, see the Swagger API documentation at http://localhost:2866/api-docs
- Simple UI using static React and d3 exposing sunburst charts based on the API.
This project includes some well known aspects but it is intended for you to add your own.
Do this by updating the aspects
function defined in the aspects.ts
file. Simply add aspects to this array:
export function aspects(): Aspect[] {
return [
//... add your aspects here
After updating your code you will need to rerun existing analyses. Run
atomist analyze [local|github] --update true
again to force updates on existing data.
See the developer guide for more information.
Next Steps
The Atomist service keeps analyses up to date automatically across all your repositories. It can also help to achieve consistency and convergence in eligible aspects by updating projects, and enabling workflows on change.
See for further information.
Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack workspace.