@hwayne: I see now, with this [missing piece] of context: > the system satisfies a liveness specification if at the end of the execution the monitor is not in a...
@Roger-luo, @jlbosse: I'm taking a look at this. I *think* I know what the QuEST code is doing.
@jlbosse @fieldofnodes: I didn't work out the QuEST implementation. It introduces extra parameters that weren't obvious. I emailed the author a few weeks ago. They haven't yet written back.
@purva-thakre, haha, I'm happy to bear some responsibility here—I'd misread the unitaryHACK dates, this was the first repo I'd clicked on, and the tags made it seem like I was...
@vprusso haha :) So, I minified the matrices and ran `ruff check`, and it did lead to a different formatting. How does this look? (Plus, how did you catch this...
@stephendiadamo, I'm probably misreading figure one in Are you talking about the HEG? that it should implement something like the _nested purification protocol_ from, rather than generating epr...
@stephendiadamo! This is clearer to me now. I have the CX teleportation working with repetition codes, and the repeater working! Let me tidy up the code organization. Are repetition codes...
@stephendiadamo, took me a while to realize there's an easy way to generalize to an arbitrary number of intermediate nodes. How's this looking?
@stephendiadamo, I can give this patch a polish if the code is difficult to follow. Let me know.
> If I understand correctly, it transmits a bell pair encoded via a repetition code and performs a correction step to distill entanglement? Is that the remote CNOT part? I...