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💸 "Buy The Dip" Bot - A Coinbase Pro semi-automated trading bot, built only for escalating buying and selling at percentage changes.

NOTE: this repo is NOT maintained or in use. It was published as a way of sharing some starter reference materials for someone to create another project. If you would like to use a Coinbase Pro Bitcoin/crypto accumulation automation project, see

Buy the Dip Bot (BTD Bot)

It's easier to buy the dip if you set limit orders escalating downward toward the lowest point you think it might go. That's what this tool does. Additionally, this tool provides a sell commmand that will set escalating sell orders to "sell the pump"

I am not a financial advisor, nor am I a professional market trader, nor a certified data scientist. Usage of this tool and data is entirely at your own risk.

This is also a hodgepodge of code from an older bitcoin trading bot that I was working on which is currently unpublished. Some of the libraries and edges might show.


  • setup a Coinbase Pro account
  • Get an Coinbase Pro API key/secret (I recommend limiting read/write usage to your IP address)
  • Set GDAX_KEY, GDAX_SECRET, GDAX_PASS as env vars
  • install node (recommend using NVM)


Usage:  <command> [options]

  buy   🤖 buy the dip (place escalating order volumes at percentage drops from
        current price)
  dca   🤖 Dollar Cost Average buyer: Creates orders at intervals with a given
        dollar cost (e.g. node . dca --pair=btcusd --cost=100 --percent=.01
        --times=12; this will set 12 buy orders at 1% drops for $100 worth of
        BTC at each spot price)
  sell  🤖 sell the pump (place escalating order volumes at percentage rises from
        current price)

  -d, --debug    enable debug logging                                  [boolean]
  -f, --forever  continuous investment mode                            [boolean]
  -t, --test     test mode (no real trades)                            [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]


From here, if it looks right, I'll change --post=false, to --post=true and copy the output order lines to a spreadsheet where I can track the buys and total my cost-basis.

node . buy --pair=btcusd --start=.01 --end=.1 --incr=.01 --percent=.02 --exit=true --post=false

node . buy --pair=ltcusd --start=.01 --end=1 --incr=.05 --percent=.02 --exit=true --post=false

node . buy --pair=ethusd --start=.1 --end=1 --incr=.1 --percent=.04 --exit=true --post=false

# LTC-BTC - buys
node . buy --pair=ltcbtc --start=1 --end=10 --incr=1 --percent=.01 --exit=true --post=false

# LTC-BTC - sells
node . sell --pair=ltcbtc --start=1 --end=10 --incr=1 --percent=.01 --exit=true --post=false

Dollar Cost Average buys

You may wish to buy a given dollar value at percentage drop points:

# buy $100 worth of BTC 10 times at 1% price drops from the current price
node . dca --pair=btcusd --cost=100 --times=10 --percent=.01 --exit=true --post=false

Or you may wish to rebuy bitcoin at a given percentage drop (for instance, if you spent the bitcoin on something else and are re-buying to get a discount on that item):

# buy $254 worth of bitcoin at 5% below the current price
node . dca --pair=btcusd --cost=254 --times=1 --percent=.05 --exit=true --post=false


Adam Eivy is a software architect by day and a drawing dad by night. Check out his latest project Beetle Royale or follow him on the interwebs
