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Creating new version failed: Git tag not found
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I had problems publishing my syntax highlighter package language-orfeo
and did the unfortunate mistake of deleting my git repo and republishing it a few times trying to solve the problem. This created the same issue as #670, #770, and #870
When I try to publish - I get the git tag not found error. When I try to unpublish - I get the unauthorized error.
I think I need a moderator or an admin to fix the atm database for me so that I can publish my package.
For now, I'm asking my users to install it manually which is less than ideal. I'm hoping this can be resolved sooner than later.
This is my git repo: https://github.com/orfeo-lang/atom-language-orfeo
I removed the git repo - I will add it again once this is resolved. Please let me know as I would love to have my package obtainable from the Atom's Package Manager.
Same issue with x-terminal after transferring the repo.
I think we got it figured out. Thankfully I didn't delete the original repo, just renamed it.
@lkashef or someone else.
This issue persists for me. I did the mistake of creating a git repo, then deleting it.
I would love to be able to resolve it.
My repo: https://github.com/orfeo-lang/atom-language-orfeo
I want to run: apm publish minor
to publish v0.1.0 of this package.
It still creates the problem - Creating new version failed: Git tag not found
In #870, madiedgar had the same issue and it was fixed by @lkashef. I'm hoping the same could happen here.
Hey @pelevesque, thanks for the report!
I will work on pulling some records on our end and update you here as soon as I have a fix
Thanks, that would be awesome. I think you were able to fix it for madiedgar in https://github.com/atom/apm/issues/870
I'm creating a new programming language for music and planning a release soon, so I would love this to be fixed for that.
@pelevesque sounds cool, I am currently working on other stuff but will try to jump on this as soon as I can
@lkashef - Just wondering if you'll have a bit of time to look at this soon? I'm planning a release of my language near the end of August. I'm hoping to stay with Atom's convention of using 'language-x' for syntax highlighters. I guess I can go with 'x-lang' or 'x-language' if this isn't resolved, but it seems better to stick to conventions.
@lkashef - I gave up waiting and published to a new name which actually is better since my language also has a file format, giving me two syntax highlighters. Published to language-orfeo-timeline
My old repo remains dangling and is useless: https://atom.io/packages/language-orfeo
I cannot unpublish due to the git not found bug.
So, it possible, I would like language-orfeo
erased from the database while I keep my new working repo.
This issue should be closed after.
Actually, if language-orfeo
could be save somehow I would still like to use it. Let me know if anything can be done.